Monday, November 29, 2010

Red Pants, Sapphire Hotel

 Blouse: vintage
Jeans: American Apparel
Bag: Chanel
Shoes: Target

Location: Sapphire Hotel, SE Portland

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Martinis and Men...

 Dress: H&M
Leggings: American Apparel
Shoes: Target
Bag: Bottega Veneta

 Guest Appearance: Fernando

 Guest Appearance: Manu

Guest Appearance: Katie

Location: Vault, Portland OR

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Autumn Leaves

Top: H&M
Scarf: H&M
Hat: vintage
Skirt: vintage
Boots: vintage
Bag: vintage Coach

 Gettin' my green on

Location: Wonder Ballroom, Portland, OR

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Osaka Style Guide: Fucking wear this

Location: Osaka, Japan
Model: Emma
Skirt: Uniquo
Suspenders: vintage

Be sure to check out Emma's blog! If you are in Japan and you don't already read fail at life.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

When in Osaka...wear large pants

Location: Osaka, Japan

Top: Uniquo
Pants: shop in Izumo city
Glasses: shop in Izumo city
Belt: vintage
Boots: vintage

That's what (fashionable) friends are for!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lace tights are not camel-riding material

See what I mean....

Shirt: Target
Shorts: Express
Leggings: Taget
Shoes: Target
Leather Jacket: Primark

Location: Tottori Sakyu (Sand dunes), Tottori, Japan

Stripes in the fall

Lately, I’ve been obsessed with a new designer: Clare V. It all started when I stumbled upon one of her dresses in a resale shop. I loved i...