Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Cherry Blossom Season in Portland

In 2021 I got to experience cherry blossom seasons twice - once in Seattle and once in Portland. We got lucky with a warm sunny day. In Portland the cherry blossoms come at a time when the weather is so cold and rainy - it can be hard to find a nice day to experience them. Typically we only get one or two nice days in the entire time they are blooming. Whenever I woke up to a nice day during cherry blossom season, I would skip work just to go down by the waterfront and sit under them. Now that I work for myself, this is both easier and harder to do. 

Jacket: J. Crew
Shirt: Uniqlo
Pants: Uniqlo
Necklace: vintage
Sunglasses: American Apparel

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

New Normal: Cafe Favorites To Go

Since the pandemic started I've been ordering takeout from restaurants far more frequently than I ever did when I dined in them. 

I felt like it was my duty to try to keep my favorite restaurant afloat in these hard times, but then I realized that all the good cafes were missing out. I'd been drinking coffee at home (I order beans from a local roaster), thus neglecting to patron the many wondering cafes in Portland. 

I wondered how they must be holding up. Sure, it's easy to order coffee and lattes to go - we were doing that before the pandemic - but it doesn't make much sense to have them delivered

So since the cafes were missing out on all my delivery orders, and since I had made it a routine to drink coffee at home, I decided to deliberately set about ordering lattes and avocado toasts from my favorite places. 

Cup & Bar 

Fairlane Coffee

Favela Brazillian Cafe

Guilder Cafe

Keeper Coffee & Cafe Rowan

Proud Mary

Upper Left Roasters

Seaside Solo Trip

Back in 2022, I took a solo trip to Seaside, Oregon, to complete my grad school application. The project felt so daunting that I needed to e...