Just a quick shot to keep things current. Here is a scene from my daily life.
My friend took this photo from her iPhone while we were crossing the famous Shibuya crossing, known in Japanese as the スクランブル交差点 (scramble kousaten).
I live a long long ways from Tokyo, but I went there over the weekend for a conference.
As we were crossing the street my friend called back to me and snapped this photo as I turned around to answer. However random it was, this shot captured the mood of my whole trip to Tokyo.
My friend took this photo from her iPhone while we were crossing the famous Shibuya crossing, known in Japanese as the スクランブル交差点 (scramble kousaten).
I live a long long ways from Tokyo, but I went there over the weekend for a conference.
As we were crossing the street my friend called back to me and snapped this photo as I turned around to answer. However random it was, this shot captured the mood of my whole trip to Tokyo.

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