Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Batu: Cave Exploration in Kuala Lumpur

Cave exploration? Hmm, not really. The name Batu Caves is rather misleading. They are not actually caves to explore, but rather a tourist attraction to see and photograph.

At the foot of the caves is the world’s tallest statue of the Hindu deity Murugan, which is impressive in and of itself.The 272 steps that lead to the top are made fun by the many monkey sightings along the way. The limestone caves themselves are quite lovely and impressive, especially when sunlight pours in from openings in the roof.

At the top, multiple stands sell cheap tourist items and Hindu prayer beads, as the caves are now home to a Hindu temple. It is by no means a spiritual experience, as loud music plays nonstop throughout the cave. Crowds of tourists are everywhere, photographing the temples and sculptures, and the floor is extremely dirty with poop from a thousand pigeons.

One more thing to note, this is a holy site, so you must cover your legs below the knee. Sarongs are available for rental. 

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