Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Awesome Lobster Dishes of Maine

I knew that my trip to Maine would be filled with lobster, but what I didn’t expect was how many different ways I would get to eat lobster. I was prepared for a monotony of steamed lobster with butter and lobsters rolls every day, but surprisingly I never had to repeat a dish, there was so much variety.

I had a lobster and Swiss cheese omelet, lobster stew, lobster roles, Italian-style pasta with lobster, steamed whole lobster, lobster corn chowder, lobster bisque, lobster cakes, lobster mac and cheese, and even lobster in Vietnamese noodle soup.

I'm still not a believer in the seafood-diary combo, but this would have made it impossible to eat lobster in Maine. Whether is was melted butter on the side, or mashed lobster with mayo in a roll, or cream in a bisque or stew, diary was omnipresent.
In nearly every dish I was impressed with the portion of the meat and fresh taste. But if you want to recreate my lobster experience add $20 to your daily food budget, because lobster don’t come cheap. 

The old fashioned way: with butter, coleslaw and chips, Belfast, ME

Vietnamese Noodle Soup with Lobster, The Honey Paw, Portland, ME

Lobster roll with mayo, The Lobster Shack, Belfast, ME

Italian butter pasta with Lobster and parmesan, Peter Ott's, Camden, ME

Lobster and Swiss Cheese omlet, Becky's Diner, Portland, ME

Lobster Stew, Cameron Lobster Shack, Brunswick, ME

Lobster Corn Chowder, Thirsty Whale, Bar Harbor, ME

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