Sunday, July 23, 2017

Isafjordur Diaries Day 1

Isafjordur as seen when we landed

I thought I would have time to write last night or read a book, but I slept 16 hours. What began as a nap at 4:30 ended at 8:30pm, past the closing time of the cafes and bars. We wondered the streets in search of food and settled on doritos chips and a wrap from a convenience store. We ate those chips on the dark walk home, and I couldn’t help but remember how yesterday I had seated a buttery croissant on the dark streets in the morning before we left Reykjavik. It seems like walking and eating in the dark is the theme of this trip. We we got to the hostel I watched about an hour of Mad Max with Jonason while sitting on comfy leather cushions. On our walked I had peeked into the windows of several homes and seen people watching TV in the warmth of their houses. I wanted to be like them. Maybe in that sense we had a very authentic night in  Isafjordur. It wasn’t spent the way I thought it would be: by sipping coffee at Braedraborg and having a cocktail at Edinborg, but it was spent the way locals spent it: indoors and warm in front of the television.
I am blown away by this beauty. I can’t put my camera down. I want to savor this view as much as possible. Especially since I arrived in a blizzard and know how precious it is. The snow can quickly seize these mountains and nothing is visible. I am thankful for the clear twilight we had, and for this clear morning. I didn’t realize how precious these views are - how quickly they can be taken by the weather. That’s why I didn’t linger in the library too long, and that is why I held off on going to the cafe, ultimately missing out on it altogether. I wanted to be outside, gazing at these mountains, taking pictures of them. I didn’t know when the next storm would come. I kept looking in the direction of the wind, uncertain of what it would bring.
- November 26th Husid in Isafjordur, 11:55am

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