Thursday, January 16, 2020

Seattle Trip - 2 months after baby

My first Fashion Blog post after pregnancy! 

I had no idea what pregnancy would do to my body. Amazingly I lost all my pregnancy weight (about 20 lbs) within 15 days after birth, so it was almost back to normal for me 2 months postpartum. 

Some changes though, which may not be clear from the photos:

  • Under my jacket I am wearing a nursing bra, so that I can feed the baby and pump while out and about. 
  • I am carrying a large bag because it holds my breast pump.
  • The large scarf is not just for style, but also for privacy when I feed the baby.

Shirt: via Goodwill
Scarf: vintage via Goodwill
Pants: Uniqlo
Bag: vintage

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