Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blue fur bag and the party has just begun..

I've been getting all exicited about making accessories lately. This bag is not only one of the first purses I made, but it is also the first time I worked with faux fur. 
I paired it up with a dress I recently made from fabric that was once part of a very ugly vintage skirt. I think I only bought the skirt because I loved the fabric, but after not wearing it once in  almost  two years I decided that it was safe to cut up. I am soooo glad I did...

Dress: Made by me, Random Designs
Bag: Made by me, Random Designs
Ring: thrifted via Goodwill
Shoes: thrifted via Goodwill
Tights: American Apparel

Close up of the ring

Close up of the pattern

Blue fur bag close up

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