Saturday, June 16, 2012

Live from the Astoria Writers' Retreat!

Astoria, Oregon

I am writing this post from the Oregon coast, where I have arrived to participate in the Astoria Writers' Retreat. Just this afternoon  I left behind sunny 85-degree Portland for this chilly, coastal town.  I will spend three days here and I hope to finish four short stories and make substantial progress on my novel. Yes, apparently I write more than just frivolous blog posts.

I am attending the retreat with my posh friend and fellow writer, Albert William. Our reasons for attending the retreat can be summed up in the following:

1. Get the hell out of the city for a weekend
2. Write without the interruptions of our daily lives
3. Meet other writers and creative people
4. Get critical feedback on our work
5. Get shit done!

My life for the next three days

Of course, no retreat would be complete with the element essential to all writing. No, I'm not talking about creativity, I'm talking about booze.

Aperol: my liquor of choice second only to Campari

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