Sunday, March 17, 2013

And so begins Spring

Style posts are pretty rare for me in the winter. I just realize that last winter I didn't post more than twice for the months of January and February. There are a few reasons for this. First, there are so few hours of daylight, that I barely get a chance to go outside and take pictures. Secondly, it is very cold and rainy around this time of the year, so I don't exactly want to be outside taking pictures anyway. And third, I am usually just wearing the same wool coat every day, so my winter wardrobe is not as diverse and colorful as I would like to to be. Sigh...

Today was the first day of the year that I left the house without a coat. I wanted it to be spring so badly....

Shirt: American Apparel 
Floral Pants: H&M
Shoes: Target
Bag: Faux Leather,Spring 2013 Collection

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