Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ten years not too late

When I was 19 years old, I wore this most amazing outfit to a fancy Japanese restaurant in what I thought was my last week living in LA. It was an interesting moment in my life because after that week, everything changed and I might even go as far as to say that who I was before that week and after that week were very different. I have saved the dress and every accessory I wore that night, and have worn them sine in other outfits, but on a chill autumn night in Portland, over ten years later, I decided to recreate the exact same outfit as that night. Here are my pictures from this past fall, and a few from my 19-year-old self. 

Age 30

Dress: Vintage slip
Jacket: faux fur, also vintage
Gloves: from a costume store
Purse: vintage
Hat: vintage
Stockings: from a costume store
Shoes: Target

Age 19

I decide not to digitally alter the photos below so as to preserve their original appeal. Hence,  I have red eyes as this was shot with a non-digital camera. 

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