Saturday, October 6, 2018

Panteón Municipal Uno, Tijuana Cemetery

The last time I went to Mexico in 2010, I didn't get a chance to go to a cemetery, which I greatly regretted. I had been wanting to go to a Mexican cemetery ever since, so on my first weekend trip to Tijuana, I made sure to go to one, even though I was only there two days.

We took an Uber to Panteon Municipal Uno, which I gathered was the biggest and mot accessible according to the maps. Although it was only a 5-minute ride from the Cecut, it felt like the middle of nowhere. It was right at the edge of the border where the great wall loomed large. The neighborhood around it scared me slightly, and I wouldn't want to be there at night.

Unfortuantely I didn't think to check the timing and we arrived at 4:15pm when the cemetery closed at 4:30. The guards were eager to get us out so I had to rush the photos.

A few things I love about this cemetery...the wild growth of succulents and cacti around the graves, the full-color Virgin Mary, and this very special grave, made up of toys and an inflatable spider man in the trees:

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