Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Iceland Air Part 2: The way home

Oh! These pitcures have been sitting in my photo album just dying to reveal themselves. Maybe I was too tired from the 20 hour flight (which included three layovers) from Copenhagen to the States to remind myself to tell every one that the plane I took on the way home was called the Eyjafjallajökull!!!

Not only does this plane share the same name as the famous Icelandic volcano which erupted in 2010, but Eyjafjallajökull shares a very special place in my heart, because it erupted around the same time I met my partner, and was the topic of one of the very first emails we exchanged. How fitting then, that over a year later we both boarded a plane named Eyjafjallajökull together, after two long weeks in Scandinavia....

While en rout out of Iceland, I also took these amazing photos of  Greenland. Hmmm, maybe next time I'll check it out...or not. It kind of looks like the end of the Earth, haunting and beautiful all at once.

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