Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kyoto Cemetery, Higashiyama, Kyoto, Japan

I came to know this cemetery, like so many others, by a fortunate series of chance happenings. I had traveled to Kyoto with absolutely no plan for the duration of two days, and only by following a large group of tourists did I come to the foot of the Kiyomizu-dera (a temple). I decided for some reason not to follow the group into the temple, so instead I wondered around its perimeter, and happened upon this vast cemetery.  

To look upon its individual gravestones conveys nothing of its magnificent scale. This is a photograph from above. 

I took several more at ground level to show the close proximity of the graves from one another. 

These photographs were taken with a  Fuji Finepix digital camera, alternating between color and black-and-white setting. 

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