Monday, September 2, 2013

Scenic Hills Cemetery in Ashland

My partner knows and loves me enough to drive off the beaten path once in a while in search of some obscure cemetery.

Sometime we just encounter flat plains and a few plaques. 
Sometimes we find the most amazing places on earth. 

This is one of them. 

The swing on the edge of the hill

After turning right on Main Road, the path forks, and you can either drive over a bridge made of two rickety planks, or a bridge which is overrun by geese. Then you will ascend a tiny hill with the best view in the whole valley, and spend your day lounging on the couch swing on the edge of the hill, and you can ask yourself the same questing I've been asking for years:

What are some of the coolest places cemeteries?

Another day in paradise

Evidently I'm not the only one who enjoys spending time here. Someone had to haul a couch up this hill and chain it to a tree so that lovers could sit comfortably on the edge of the hill and watch the sunlight move across the valley. 

Not surprisingly we were the only ones at the Scenic Hills Cemetery that day. Here is a visual chronicle of that day. 

Road towards Scenic Hill
Geese traffic
The Nobody grave
Views of the valley


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