Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tea at the Heathman

the plant behind me makes my hair look huge
 Its funny how I’ve blogged on afternoon teas all over the world, from Dubai to Canada, but never in my home town: Portland. Just before I was about to leave this beautiful city in the northwest, I paid a visit to the Heathman Hotel for its famous afternoon tea.

This was my second time at the Heathman. Three years ago I had taken my mother to afternoon tea, but this was before I decided to blog every time I had a cup of tea somewhere. What I remembered most about that visit was the delicious vanilla tea I ordered, and thankfully after three years they still had it. 


Tea at the Heathman was a much more laid back affair than it is in other hotels. It is served in a quiet section of their mezzanine, and we sat in deep round booths, which made for a very private atmosphere, so unlike the bustling noise of the Peninsula in Hong Kong or the Bulgari café in Tokyo


Like many traditional tea places, the finger sandwiches, scones, and pastries are served on a three-tier platter.



This was a wonderful way to commence my four-year stay in Portland. Now I will have to look for afternoon tea places in Japan!

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