Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dubai from 442 Meters

These photographs were taken from At.mosphere, which is located on the 122nd level of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world.

When I edited these photos, I juxtaposed ones in heightened color with ones in black and white.

The effect was startling.
Same city, two very different faces, neither real.

The colorful photographs seem reminiscent of old posters for amusements parks, a tiny model in a bright, ideal world.

The black and white pictures, on the other hand,  look more like the photographs from the industrial revolution: gritty, bleak, fearful.

Dubai changes with one's perception. Whether one chooses to see it as a fantasy theme park or a cosmopolitan wasteland, it is all a matter of perception. 
These images are meant to capture those perceptions.

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